SARAH HOYT’S SHOCKED FACE COULD NOT BE REACHED FOR COMMENT: New Seafood Substitute Tastes as Fishy as It Sounds

If you were skittish about calling an amalgamation of legumes and oil “burgers,” courtesy of Beyond Meat , you definitely aren’t ready for what’s next. Finless bluefin tuna—that is, tuna made without the use of a once-live fish— could be coming soon to a grocery store near you.

While vegetarian innovations have taken center stage recently in “food tech,” another alternative to butchering or farming actual wildlife is on the rise. Lab-based meat startups are racking up millions of dollars to grow it. Bay Area-based Finless Foods is working to turn marine animal stem cells into edible seafood, leaving Nemo unscathed.

I’ll play it safe and grill a ribeye tonight.