WHY IS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY SUCH A CESSPIT OF VIOLENCE? Sore Loser: Rep. Gaetz’s (R-FL) Former Opponent ‘Milkshaked’ Him Following A Town Hall.

According to The Hill, 35-year-old Amanda Kondrat’yev was detained and no further incidents took place. It’s interesting to note that Kondrat’yev ran for Gaetz’s seat back in 2016.

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The event comes after Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage had a similar attack take place last week. “Milkshaking” is the new form of protest in Britain against “right wing” lawmakers. And it has apparently jumped the pond.

And it’s Media Matters approved: As a congressman is assaulted with a milkshake Media Matters applauds after complaining inciteful language is leading to violence.

Unlike those examples given of people saying things that Media Matters disagreed with, Amanda Kondrat’yev was arrested on the scene, and charged with aggravated assault. It will be left to those claiming this is not violence to explain how those charges apply when nothing objectionable took place.

It’s all fun and games at Media Matters until someone throws something at David Brock, or another lefty.