FASTER, PLEASE: Mark Meadows Says ‘Declassification is right around the corner.’

Republican Congressman and House Oversight Committee Member Mark Meadows there will be more information showing that President Trump was set up by senior officials with the FBI and DOJ. He made the comments Monday on “Fox & Friends,” adding that the declassification of documents will reveal it.

Meadows cited instances where members of the Trump campaign were taped and recorded. He specifically referred to former Trump Campaign Advisor George Papadopoulos. Papadopoulos has been vocal about being set up by the FBI.

Moreover, the North Carolina Congressman explained that ‘the American people will be astonished’ when Trump declassifies more information. For example, the classified FISA interviews, Bruce Ohr 302 FBI interviews and the so called “Gang of Eight” binder.

Former House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy said Sunday, the new information could reveal “game-changer” evidence further disproving the collusion narrative.

Meadows said he is confident the President will act soon.

Yesterday would not be too soon.