Shot: No one is too old to be president.

—Headline, the Washington Post, yesterday.

Chaser: McCain’s Brain — How might the senator’s mind deteriorate over the next eight years? John McCain is old and, as several news outlets have reported, he’s only getting older.

—Headline, subhead and lede, Slate, then-owned by the Washington Post, June 11, 2008.

Hangover: “The big question he bumps into wherever he goes is his age. Reagan will be 69 in 1980 a year older than William Henry Harrison the country’s oldest president who died a month after his inauguration in 1841.”

—The Washington Post, September 24, 1978.

Typing “John McCain is too old to be president” into Google and setting the date range to cut off at January 1, 2009 brings up just about every major DNC-MSM news site grousing about McCain’s age when the 2008 DNC candidate was the much younger Barack Obama. Now that their leading candidates include Biden, Bernie, and Warren, the media aren’t interested in exploring that topic. Unexpectedly.