HMM: Julian Assange Arrested. “It’ll be interesting to test US ability to apply the Espionage Act to Assange, who isn’t a US citizen and who has no duty to safeguard our secrets. Glenn Greenwald and others have contended that Wikileaks is essentially a press organization and therefore protected under the First Amendment. Certainly, the Pentagon Papers and other cases have gone the way of American news organizations who have published classified documents. I maintain that Wikileaks’ suborning of the illegal transfer of information and active ties with the Russian government make them more akin to a foreign intelligence operation than a newspaper.”

Richard Fernandez: “Does this trigger a revenge data dump? Gentlemen, start your servers.”

Plus: “It had to end this way and he had to know it would. So if he couldn’t cut a deal all this time with the Man, what was his Plan B?”