The New Hotness? Sacramento scheming:

Sacramento wants to tax soda, tires, guns, water, pain pills, lawyers, car batteries…

—The L.A. Times today.

California’s next frontier in fighting climate change: your kitchen stove.

—The L.A. Times, Thursday.

As John Sexton writes at Hot Air, “The purpose of this is to induce people to save energy. But the practical result is going to be much higher bills if I’m suddenly using electricity to heat water, cook, heat the house, and dry clothes on top of everything else. It’s hard to estimate what the increased price will be but I’m certain it’s going to be a lot more than my current gas bill, probably several times more. So on top of the cost of replacing appliances and adding new electrical wiring to my home, there’s going to be a higher monthly bill as well.”

Flashback: Calif. Power Rates Go Up 80 Percent.