WELL, THAT’S BECAUSE IT IS: Nearly Half of Men Believe the Pay Gap Is ‘Made Up,’ Survey Finds.

Ashe Schow explains: New Study Confirms Yet Again Gender ‘Wage’ Gap Due To Women Not Working. Guess How The Media Is Portraying It. “The gap in earnings is due to women choosing lower-paying jobs or taking time off from work to care for family members or raise a child, or working fewer hours during the week, as I have been saying for years.”

Meanwhile, a friend on Facebook comments: “People are still asking this in 2019? Most teenage boys mock this like flat earthers. Even girls do too. Solution? Ask this: ‘Feminists demand equal pay for less work? Equal pay for less risk of failure let alone dying?'” Yes, nobody complains about a “gender gap” in the occupational death/injury department.