WHAT’S IN THE MUELLER REPORT? The Last Refuge undertakes an analysis based solely on the character and actions of the principal players in the anti-Trump campaign. By way of preface, Refuge notes:

“The most overlooked aspect is how the 2016 DOJ/FBI investigative unit that existed to investigate Trump before the election, is the same group of people who transferred into Mueller’s probe in 2017 to continue investigating Trump after the election.  It always seems odd to me that people don’t realize this very basic point.

“If what the investigators were doing in 2016 was unethical, corrupt and likely unlawful, it is not wise to think they suddenly became bastions of investigative moral integrity just because they transferred into the Mueller probe in 2017.  In fact, the reality is, those same people held/hold a motive to cover-up for their prior conduct; and, for the purposes of Robert Mueller, their corrupt motives were perfectly aligned.”

It’s essential reading and will make for a fascinating comparison when the Mueller Report becomes public. Go here. Yes, it’s long, but, hey, it’s the weekend.