JOHN HINDERAKER: Observations On Christchurch:

We haven’t written anything about the Christchurch, New Zealand, massacre. There probably isn’t much to say. Nevertheless, a few observations.

1) Liberals wasted no time trying to make political hay out of the slaughter. The deplorable Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tied the murders to President Trump. It is noteworthy that liberals attribute almost superhuman powers to Donald Trump, attributing responsibility to him for pretty much anything that goes on in the world. The only phenomena for which the Left does not assign responsibility to the president are the intended, beneficent results of his own policies. . . .

3) From a policy standpoint, the only lesson that can be drawn from the Christchurch massacre is reflected in the difference in the casualty totals between the two attacks. Forty-one were killed at the Dean Ave. mosque, the first one that was targeted, where the murderer had plenty of time and at one point returned to his vehicle to reload. There were only seven killed at the Linwood mosque because one of the worshippers was armed.


UPDATE: At least according to this report, the armed worshipper actually grabbed the (a?) gun from the shooter. As always, early reports are unreliable — and sometimes, so are later ones — so stay tuned and see what comes out.