YOUR DAILY TREACHER: Tucker Carlson’s Jokes Didn’t Hurt Anybody, Then or Now.

Tucker isn’t apologizing. Even if I thought he should (which I don’t), it wouldn’t do any good. Media Matters and their ilk don’t want an apology. They want him to go away. They want him to quit destroying CNN and MSNBC in the ratings night after night. And then, when somebody takes his place, they’ll go after that person for any possible reason they can dig up. That’s what they do. They can’t compete, so they try to destroy.

If you’re genuinely offended by jokes Tucker Carlson made over a decade ago, on a radio show you never listened to, congratulations. I assume you’ve stopped watching his show, which you never watched in the first place.

Position yourself strategically over the fainting couch and read the whole thing.