IN THE FUTURE, EVERYONE WILL BE HITLER GOEBBELS FOR 15 MINUTES — AND THE FUTURE IS NOW: Martina Navratilova Learns That Nothing Short of Total Surrender Will Appease Transgender Activists.

Tennis great Martina Navratilova is learning the hard way that apologizing to militant transgender activists is not – and will never be – enough.

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Outsports writer Dawn Ennis responded to Navratilova by likening the legendary LGBTQ rights activist to …. Joseph Goebbels:

“The transgender problem”

The Nazis had “The Jewish Question,” and history records the horror which its leaders called the “Final Solution.” Navratilova treads a very dangerous line in asking if this issue of inclusion should be called a name that’s not so far off from Joseph Goebbels’ nomenclature.

Seriously? Is this what passes for actual debate at Outsports? You really cannot rationalize with rabid fanatics who play the Hitler card every time someone makes a valid argument that hits too close to home.

As Jim Treacher wrote last month, “Could We Please Stop Comparing Everything to Hitler?”

At least Chris Matthews changes it up from time to time, occasionally comparing conservatives to North Korea and the Khmer Rouge as a nice change of pace.