NEW SOCIALIST “IT GIRL” CONTINUES TO PAY DIVIDENDS: Like Most Climate Hysterics, Ocasio-Cortez Doesn’t Practice What She Preaches.

If that argument sounds vaguely familiar, you might recognize it as the timeless excuse made by socialists the world over: “I drive this expensive car and have a dacha on the Black Sea, while you stand in line for five hours waiting for moldy turnips because I’m working hard for a better future for all you peasants.”

In AOC’s case, she feels perfectly justified in being a hypocrite because she’s a selfless leader who will endure “living in the world as it is” until she can make it all better. She really doesn’t want to fly and use gasoline-consuming cars. But she will accept the pain so that she can save us and the world from climate change.

When Al Gore emerged from his energy-guzzling mansion to address the Senate in 2007 only to refuse to take his own energy reduction pledge from An Inconvenient Truth when presented to him by Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Ann Coulter quipped, “I kind of respect him more, it shows he is not stupid enough to believe all this global warming nonsense. He’s trying to get us to believe. Okay, fine, he may be a hypocrite but at least he’s not a moron.”

It’s tough to be as charitable on the latter half of that equation with AOC though — if only to save all those poor defenseless “farting cows and airplanes.”