CALIFORNIANS GOTTA CALIFORNICATE: Ventura County Planning Commission passes wildlife corridor law with list of changes:

A controversial proposal that sets new land-use rules to protect migration passages and habitat for wildlife was approved Thursday night after a hearing of almost 11 hours that drew hundreds of people.

The Ventura County Planning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend the proposal to the Ventura County Board of Supervisors, but added a laundry list of suggestions for changes.

The proposal calls for restrictions on outdoor lighting and fences plus the addition of 200-foot buffers around rivers, creeks and streams and near wildlife crossings. The territory stretches along the Santa Clara and Ventura rivers and includes a wide swath running from the eastern border of the county to the Ojai Valley, as well as land lying near Thousand Oaks, Moorpark and Simi Valley.

What could go wrong?

(Via Small Dead Animals.)