WAPO SUDDENLY UNHAPPY WITH INTEMPERATE LANGUAGE: ‘Knock them in the teeth.’ How Trump turns crises into leverage.

Note that despite the implication in the headline, the above isn’t a quote from Trump:

“It’s a Trumpian way of negotiating,” longtime friend Larry Kudlow told a radio interviewer last year before joining the White House. “You knock them in the teeth and get their attention. And then you kind of work out a deal.”

Curiously, the Post had no problem endorsing a candidate in 2008 whose motto, as the AP reported back then, was “I want you to argue with them and get in their face,” and who advised his Philadelphia-area supporters, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

Not to mention his then chief of staff Rahm Emanuel (later mayor of Chicago) exclaiming, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”

As prolific twitter user “Neontaster” wrote in 2017: