ILHAN OMAR (D-MN) ENDORSED SOMALIA’S NEW PRESIDENT. FOUR DAYS LATER, OMAR’S BROTHER-IN-LAW HAD A POWERFUL JOB IN HIS ADMINISTRATION: “Nancy Pelosi placed Omar on Foreign Affairs, so she will soon be in the middle of vital national security legislation regarding the Middle East.”

Meanwhile, back in the USA, “As of this morning, the [Minneapolis] Star Tribune has made no mention of Omar’s libelous tweet falsely defaming the boys of Covington Catholic. It hasn’t reported Omar’s defense of the so-called Black Hebrew Israelites hate group. It hasn’t bothered to let readers know that Omar published the Covington Catholic libel to some 450,000 followers who shed their brain cells to keep up with her. It hasn’t noted Omar’s deletion of her libelous tweet yesterday without retraction, explanation or apology.”