ROGER KIMBALL: Watergate, By Any Other Name. “Over the last few days, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and other anti-Trump outlets have revealed, and reveled in, something that many observers suspected for a long time. That the investigation into various figures associated with the Trump campaign—not only Carter Page, but also George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, and Michael Cohen—was just a pretext. The main target all along was Trump himself. As Andy McCarthy observed, ‘following the firing of FBI director James Comey on May 9, 2017, the bureau formally opened an investigation of President Trump.'”

To revive an old Democratic trope, I question the timing. But read the whole thing.

Plus: “’Spying on the opposition campaign in the absence of corroborated evidence of a crime.’ ‘Controversial?’ You think? How about nefarious and probably criminal? Richard Nixon is unavailable for comment.” It’s different when it’s done to Republicans because shut up.