ANALYSIS: TRUE. Democratic ‘New Green Deal’ Is Another Way Of Saying New Taxes.

In Bernie Sanders territory, blue Vermont voters in 2016 elected anti-carbon tax Republican Phil Scott as Governor instead of pro-carbon tax Democrat Sue Minter. In 2010, Republican primary voters kicked carbon tax-supporting congressman Bob Inglis out of office, choosing Trey Gowdy as his replacement.

This year Florida Republican Carlos Curbelo introduced a carbon tax bill at a much-hyped event at the National Press Club. The bill is a large tax hike which gives broad new power to federal bureaucrats. It would increase household costs and harm economic growth.

While sitting in a comfortable chair on stage, Curbelo even acknowledged the bill would cause some people to lose their jobs. He said, “We have a fund in place to help those individuals get retrained and find other work.” Who doesn’t love being retrained?

Curbelo promised that if re-elected he would travel the country touting his carbon tax plan. He received predictable praise from the beltway press. Just as predictably, “green” members of the carbon tax-industrial complex attacked him in the election for his “failure to be a true climate champion.” Curbelo lost while Florida Republicans won tough races for the governorship and U.S. Senate.

Vanity left-wing billionaire Tom Steyer, a key funder of the carbon tax cause, piled on last week. At the UN climate confab, he called Curbelo a “pretend environmentalist.”

Analysts call that the Megyn Kelly/Weekly Standard treatment.