PROCUREMENT: B-21 Bomber Completes Another Review, Remains on Schedule.

“Our most recent review was last week, and the B-21 is on schedule and performance,” Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson said during the forum in Simi Valley on Saturday.

While Wilson noted the development process is in its early stages, “We are pleased with how that program is going forward,” she said.

Officials have said the Northrop Grumman-made B-21 is expected to reach its critical design review milestone in December. It was not immediately clear whether the review Wilson spoke of is the same one.

“It’s a good example of how to run a major acquisition program well and why delegation of authority back to the services … works to get high quality and to do so quickly,” Wilson told reporters after her panel discussion.

After the delays and cost overruns caused by Pentagon confusion over the JSF program, the Raider’s quick move through the system comes as a welcome change.