IT’S THE MORNING AFTER, SO I CAN’T BE ACCUSED OF VOTER SUPPRESSION: Elites, especially left-of-center elites, seem to care a whale of a lot more about the tiniest “interference” with what they regard as voting rights than they do about … well … any of our other rights. Granted, voting rights are important and vigilance is appropriate. But as I wrote a few weeks ago in my Statement in an Commission on Civil Rights report: “[I]f anything, elected officials may be accused of spending a disproportionate amount of time worrying about voting issues (and hence about their own re-election) to the detriment of issues that affect their constituents’ lives in more direct ways.” Ditto for denizens of governmental bureaucracies. (And it’s not that they hold self-governance in such high regard. If they did, they’d be concerned about the reach the bureaucratic state.  But they like that leviathan. They think it’s a nice little anti-democratic monster.)

It would be nice if they were half as vigilant about economic liberties and free expression (which fewer and fewer seem to care about today).