I’M OLD ENOUGH TO REMEMBER WHEN DEMOCRATS CLAIMED TO BE AGAINST THIS KIND OF THING: Independent Committee Supporting Ellison Is Half Funded by Alexander Soros.

Although he does not give on the same scale as his father, Alexander Soros is still a significant donor to Democrat and progressive causes. The Washington Free Beacon reported in September that Alex had contributed almost $3 million to Democratic committees this election cycle.

Alex works as the deputy chair of the Open Society Foundations, a grant-making group that describes itself as working “to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens.” The Open Society Foundations, meanwhile, receives the bulk of its funding from George Soros.

The independent expenditure committee, calling itself the People’s Lawyer PAC, has spent the bulk its funds on polling, some of which it has published on its website.

While the intent of the committee can not be known, publishing its own polling online appears to mirror tactics detailed in a report from Politico this June describing how independent expenditure committees and PACs can manage to legally coordinate with their candidate by publishing various media in the public domain, even though explicit coordination is supposed to be prohibited by law.

In other words: Don’t get caught being too obvious about it — whatever that means in practice. More generally speaking, vague laws aren’t written for the benefit of those trying to abide by them.