BRAVE LITTLE SJW’S (But not at their own expense):  So a flock of screaming women descended upon the Yale Club in NYC to protest Kavanaugh’s n̶o̶m̶i̶n̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶  mere existence:

“Asked why the DSA planned the protest to wind up in front of the Yale Club, Paradis said it was because “Kavanaugh is really a symbol of elite power that feels impunity, not just to sexually assault women but to take away rights from women, working class people, and to destroy democratic representation in this country.”

But it’s been a dirty little secret of the left that Yale itself is named after a man who made a fortune in the slave trade working for the East India Company. Which leads one to wonder while the Yale faculty and many alums — our moral and intellectual betters — are busy posturing about “injustice”, why aren’t they tearing down statutes of Eli Yale and demanding the name be changed to Audre Lorde or Angela Davis University? I mean, is there no greater oppression of women, working class people, and to democratic representation than slavery?

My bet? Because the market value of the coveted Yale degree would turn to dog poop in 15 minutes. Boola boola, indeed.