WELL, THAT’S WHAT IT IS: Leah Vukmir Condemns ‘Politically Motivated Character Assassination’ of Kavanaugh.

Wisconsin Republican Senate candidate Leah Vukmir, who is challenging Sen. Tammy Baldwin, condemned Democrats on Monday for “politically motivated character assassination” of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and said the party must stop its “political posturing” and hold a vote.

“On the heels of Senator Baldwin not having the time to meet with Judge Kavanaugh, yet having time for a fundraiser with Dr. Ford’s lawyers, we now have additional uncorroborated attacks on Judge Kavanaugh being irresponsibly published by the Fake News media,” Vukmir said.

Baldwin was scheduled to hold a fundraiser with the attorneys representing Christine Blasey Ford, Kavanaugh’s first accuser, but the event was cancelled after media contacted the firm about the event.
