HMM: Study: Nanoparticle therapy restores prostate cancer’s tumor suppressor.

Using nanotechnology, researchers have developed a way to treat prostate cancer by restoring tumor suppressors, based on preclinical models in the lab.

The loss of tumor suppressors, including genes such as PTEN and p53, helps cancer cells grow uninhibited.

Researchers from the Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Children’s Hospital in Boston, as well as the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, published their findings Monday in Nature Biomedical Engineering.

While other researchers have focused on developing cancer therapies to target proteins and pathways highly active in cancer cells, the Boston-led team is studying ones that have been lost. . . .

In mouse studies, there was significant suppression of tumor growth and progression of prostate cancer. This includes prostate cancer in bones, which is the most common site to which prostate cancer can spread. The mice showed no significant side effects, including changes in body weight and organ toxicity.

Faster, please.