One hardly needs to note the aptness of Chelsea Clinton coming to the defense of a wretchedly bad loser. First, you assume you’ll win; then you figure you should have won; and from there it’s a small step to figuring you did win and someone — a Portuguese umpire, the Macedonian “content farmers” — stole it from you. And so sport — in which points are won according to objective measures such as balls clearing nets and falling within painted lines — is now just another outpost of the great festering grievance culture:

No, this wasn’t just about a code violation. Rules derive, essentially, from a system, an implicit covenant that all shall be treated equally, and all shall have the same opportunities. But what happens when the covenant is broken? What happens when the system doesn’t work for you? Perhaps then, your norms diverge from mine. Perhaps neither of us has the monopoly on morality…

Indeed. Perhaps neither of us won, or lost, or played at all. Perhaps, as I had cause to remark many years ago, your ace is just a social construct.

Read the whole thing.  As Iowahawk would say:

Via Tim Blair, who dubs Williams a “Bad Sport, Sore Loser, Instant Social Justice Warrior Heroine: It doesn’t matter if you’re a whole psycho mess of millionaire entitlement. If you tick a few race and gender boxes, social justice warriors will rally to your cause.”