WHY ARE UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES SUCH CESSPITS OF SEXISM? Judge reverses himself, says Ohio State officials can be sued for anti-male bias.

Kelly Smith and Matthew Page – at the time, both assistant directors in the Office of Student Life – are also not entitled to “qualified immunity” in light of the Miami ruling, Judge Smith said.

Doe has “sufficiently alleged” that they violated his “clearly established” equal protection rights at the time of OSU’s adjudication – what’s known as a Section 1983 claim.

They are also not protected by 11th Amendment immunity because of Supreme Court precedent that immunity can’t be invoked in response to “a plaintiff’s requests for injunctive relief and/or declaratory judgment,” Smith said. Doe’s other claims were not approved for reinstatement.

Kelly is currently listed as director of student conduct, and Page is currently listed as assistant dean of the graduate school.

Doe’s lawsuit also named Natalie Spiert, sexual violence support coordinator, but she appears to have been removed as a defendant already.

Spiert was denied qualified immunity in another Title IX case in April, for allegedly helping a rape accuser lie about her motivation to accuse the male student.

The immunity-stripping will do a lot to reduce this sort of behavior.