ANALYSIS: TRUE. Sarah Jeong Is a Boring, Typical Product of the American Academy. “The key features of Jeong’s worldview are an obsession with whiteness and its alleged sins; a commitment to the claim that we live in a rape culture; and a sneering contempt for objectivity and truth-seeking. These are central tenets of academic victimology. From the moment freshmen arrive on a college campus, they are inundated by the message that they are either the bearers of white privilege or its victims. College presidents and the metastasizing diversity bureaucracy teach students to see racism where none exists, preposterously accusing their own institutions of systemic bias. ‘Bias response teams,’ confidential ‘discrimination hotlines,’ and implicit-bias training for faculty and staff roll forth from university coffers in wild abandon.”

Welcome to the academy’s New Normal.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): When taxpayers get tired of subsidizing those university coffers, we’ll be told it’s because of “anti-intellectualism.”