IS THERE NOTHING THEY CAN’T DO? The Kochtopus Crushes Nashville Transit:

So how much of their eleven-figure net worth did the Kochs’ AFP pump into Nashville in their fell scheme to protect their precious seatbelt industry? Less than $10,000. Apparently that largely went for a mailer sent out a week before the election. For context, the proponents of the rail plan spent $2.9 million. All opponents combined spent $1.2 million. (Of that $1.2 million, most came from a group called Smarter Nashville, Inc., which by law does not have to disclose its donors.) The Kochs say they don’t control AFP activities in individual states in the first place. Anyway, they could find $2.9 million in the change cup of one of their Kochmobiles. For a couple of guys who were determined to destroy mass transit in Nashville, they didn’t seem to be trying very hard.

Heh. Read the whole thing.™

Earlier: Stop Trying to Get Workers Out of Their Cars: “Smart growth” is dumb about commuting.