● Shot:

A tin of osetra caviar arrives in a crystal bowl of crushed ice. It’s served as a bona fide “bump”— the server spoons the eggs onto your fist along with a dollop of smoked creme fraiche, then drapes it all in a fat slab of barbecued wagyu beef fat. (Yes, all on your fist.) It’s a salty, smoky, slippery slurp, enlivened by a perfect pop. The effect is similar to the drug it alludes to: I immediately wanted more — although not at $68 a hit.

A review of the San Francisco restaurant Avery in, Jun 5, 2018. (There’s a photo of the “fist bump of caviar” at the above link, if you’re curious.)

● Chaser: “Terrified” San Francisco Tourists Shocked By Aggressive Vagrants, Discarded Needles, Dead Bodies.

—Headline, Zero Hedge, today.

(Classical reference in headline.)