OFF WITH HER SHOW! My Daily Caller column bumped up from this morning, about the irrational demands that people be fired for talking smack:

The demand that people lose their jobs because of something they said (as opposed to something they did) perpetuates a chilling effect that will only drive genuine bigots underground. Even worse, it is punishing people for what Orwell called “wrong-think.” […] it won’t change what or how the “bad” people think: it will only force them to be more circumspect and selective about where such views may be aired. I for one, would rather see such views held up for public scrutiny and debate rather than whispered in the dark back rooms of an obscure beer hall.

FUN FACT: The comments to original morning posting are enlightening. They are the exact same comments I’ve been getting from proggie SJW’s: “She deserves it”…”fight fire with fire”…”speech has consequences”…”the [other side] has rigged the game and we can’t take the high moral ground.” The only difference is the IP posters call me a Hillarybot, and the snowflakes call me a Nazi Trumpster.