GOOD LORD: Why some ‘incels’ are celebrating Toronto’s alleged van attacker.

A post on Minassian’s Facebook said the “incel rebellion has already begun” and referred to “Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger.” Rodger was the 22-year-old California man responsible for a deadly rampage in Isla Vista, Calif., that left six people dead.

Facebook has confirmed the post was real and was posted publicly on Minassian’s profile before Facebook shut it down.

More, from an interview in the report with New York journalist Aditi Natasha Kini:

Can you tell us, first of all, what is an incel?

It stands for involuntary celibate. So an incel is a cisgendered heterosexual man who hasn’t had sex, not out of choice.

Why has it developed into an online phenomenon?

There is a growing faction of men who have found outlets for their anger against women and dating culture in general online, and that’s been codified into a sort of indoctrination.

Boys who were never taught how to grow up to be men, combined with grievance culture and antisocial media — that’s a deathly combination.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): Seems like an argument for legalized prostitution.