IT’S ALWAYS SOMETHING: Central Bank of Iran blames Telegram app for currency fluctuation.

The governor of the Central Bank of Iran Valiollah Seif has said that lack of trust, social media (including the Telegram messaging app) as well as the UAE and Saudi Arabia are the reasons behind the weakening national currency, rial.

“We are not in the ordinary situation and our enemies are continuing to plot,” Valiollah Seif told Iranian parliament on Tuesday.

Iranian rial hit an all-time low against the US dollar on Monday and fell to 6,460 by afternoon on the unregulated currency market.

“The country is in a balanced situation and these crises which are created by our enemies in the social media should not make us worry,” he added.

The governor further blamed the social media for publicizing the market news and prices.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that decades of economic mismanagement by the Mullahs’ regime might have a little something to do with the country’s woes.