DAVID MARCUS: 5 Big, Fat Lies Free Speech Opponents Love.

The last one is the biggie:

Speech Is Violence

Perhaps the most pernicious lie perpetrated by those who would hinder free speech is the idea that speech can be violence. We are told that trans people commit suicide at several times the rate of others because people are allowed to question whether gender is a matter of preference. Such questioning is considered an act of violence. This is abject hysteria.

We should probably worry about how our speech affects others, but to the extent that we truly believe something to be true, we cannot be afraid to say so because others may be bothered by it. Stating an opinion is not violence. Any philosophy of free speech that suggests so is wrong-minded and averse to the very concept of free speech.

It is a dangerous time for free speech.

It always is, which is exactly why we have an amendment recognizing and protecting it.