HARRY KAZIANIS: The NRA Doesn’t Kill People, It Saves Lives. Just Ask My Family.

In the early 1990s, a member of my family was robbed at knife and gunpoint while trying to earn a living at his small business. The experience changed my family’s perception of our own safety and security forever. After several days of reflection, this family member made a heartfelt decision: he needed to protect his life, property, and our family by purchasing a firearm.

Such a choice did not come easy, but was guided by a fundamental truth. As someone who had never before considered purchasing a gun, he knew the police would never come to his aid fast enough if an armed assailant tried to rob him again—possibly costing him his own life. He made what he felt was the best decision for his family and his own safety, just like many other hard-working, honest Americans across our country do every single day.

Over the next few months he lived in libraries, talked with experts, and inquired with police and law enforcement to decide what type of firearm and safety courses he would need to arm himself and protect his business and our family in the safest possible manner.

This is where the NRA came in. When he did make a firearms purchase, it was NRA-trained and -certified instructors who spent hours of their own time to teach him how to safely operate his preferred method of self-defense. They did not talk politics or try to indoctrinate him in any way, but did what they could to teach him how to safely and effectively defend himself if the moment ever came.

Stories like his never make the news, but they happen every day.