BLUE WAVE? Trump rebound has Democrats fretting over midterms.

This one comes from Politico:

House Democrats are heading into the throes of the election haunted by many of the same problems that dogged them in 2016: a Trump-dominated news cycle, a message that’s struggling to break through and sharp divisions within the party about how to fix it.

Now many Democrats say they’re watching nervously as polls start to trend in Republicans’ favor — and worry they’re witnessing the beginning of a slow-motion train wreck that they have no idea how to stop.

There are still widespread disagreements within the diverse 193-member caucus about what campaign message Democrats should rally around in the final months before the midterms and even who should be the party’s chief messenger.

I’m usually loathe to give advice, but if anyone in the Democratic caucus is reading this, please take my suggestion of running against tax cuts and in in favor of radical identity politics.