BUT TRUMP IS LOWERING THE TONE OF OUR POLITICS: Democratic candidate Randy Bryce once used Bristol Palin’s pregnancy announcement to suggest she sell condoms.

Randy Bryce, the viral Democrat running to “repeal and replace” House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., in 2018, once used Bristol Palin’s pregnancy announcement as an opportunity to suggest she sell condoms.

After Palin announced her second unwed pregnancy in 2015, Bryce sent her a tweet that read, “I’d suggest a career selling condoms instead of abstinence. Looking for help @TrojanCondoms?”

Palin had previously advocated on behalf of abstinence.

Bryce has secured endorsements from a number of progressive politicians and organizations, including NARAL and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. He frequently lends support to women’s causes on Twitter, from the Women’s March to birth control mandates.

While Bryce’s tweet to Palin, flagged on Tuesday by Peter Hasson of the Daily Caller, does not amount to a major scandal, those sentiments would not be tolerated by his feminist supporters if there were an R next to his name rather than a D.

If it weren’t for double standards, they’d have no standards at all.