Preening over his own lofty intellectual standards, Brooks makes a lowly grammatical mistake and no one doing the “normal” journalism at the NYT noticed: “the monotonous daily hysteria of we anti-Trumpers” should be “the monotonous daily hysteria of us anti-Trumpers.”

I think “we” might feel more dignified than “us,” but mixing up your objective and subjective pronouns is a pretty lowbrow mistake. Speaking of things noticed and found silly, I find that silly — not because you made an error but because you’re so sure you’re the one on high looking down at other people.

Anyway, the monotonous daily hysteria of anti-Trumpers is worse than “silly.” I write about it all the time, not — as you might think — because I’m pro-Trump, but because the haters hate too much and it’s making them weird and crazy. In my view, Trump was too weird and crazy to be President, but in the real world, he is President, and it’s weird and crazy not to live in the real world.

I wonder where Brooks goes to notice young people looking at daily hysteria and finding it silly. Is there a coffeeshop in D.C. somewhere or what?

On the other hand, it’s news when David “sharp crease” Brooks notices that the anti-Trump movement is more about tribalism and aesthetics than anything substantive.