THE DEEP STATE STRIKES BACK: State Department Employing ‘Pretzel Logic’ in Defiance of Trump’s Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital.

President Donald Trump formally recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital last week, but the State Department will not recognize that fact on official documents, maps, and passports, saying boundaries of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem are subject to final status negotiations.

“We’re working with something here I like to refer to as pretzel logic, and it’s something we see from this State Department quite often, especially when it comes to issues like Israel,” Kredo said.

Kredo said hostility toward Israel is deeply embedded at the State Department. His sources told him that career diplomats at the agency strongly opposed Trump’s decision to make the recognition announcement last week.

“The White House really dragged the State Department along on this,” Kredo said, adding that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was forced to call Arab leaders about the announcement.

“Twisting and turning to not actually fully implement the president’s will,” Kredo said of the State Department.

SecState Tillerson has a personnel problem in his Department, which could be ameliorated with a few high-profile firings — so why won’t he?