ELIOT SPITZER GETS OFF WITHOUT PROSECUTION, and the complaint is that he was caught:

Members of the House Financial Services Committee say they have no evidence that the former governor, a hard-charging Wall Street regulator, was singled out by the federal government. But some members believe that unanswered questions about how Spitzer popped up on the radar of federal investigators speak to a broader problem: the potential misuse of power under the Patriot Act. Unusual money transfers by the governor triggered a “suspicious activity report,” or SAR, within the banking system, and it was through the money transfers that investigators discovered Spitzer was patronizing a prostitution ring. Some on the committee have long been concerned with the government’s practice of reviewing hundreds of thousands of SARs filed by banks each year, saying they could be used inappropriately by the government – say, for political reasons.

Or maybe they’re worried that it makes bribery and prostitution involving politicians more difficult? Meanwhile, at CNN, wondering why Spitzer got off easy.