WHAT IS IT WITH ALL THESE HOLLYWOOD GUYS MASTURBATING IN FRONT OF WOMEN? Louis C.K. Accused of Masturbating in Front of Multiple Women in N.Y. Times Exposé.

UPDATE: Ann Althouse answers my question:

The main story that begins the article has 2 women accepting an invitation to hang out in his hotel room and then being “asked if he could take out his penis.” He asked, and they just laughed, as they tell the story. He got completely naked and masturbated. . . .

That’s stand-up comedy, in essence. Standing in front of people naked (metaphorically) and masturbating (metaphorically). It’s not surprising that this would be the man’s sexual fetish. Why is he getting thrown in with the other men who are getting ruined these days? It sounds to me as though he asked for permission. What is the story here, that people have decided his sexuality is loathsome? Am I missing something? I would give this man his privacy.

Absurd. Only women have the right to privacy. Like revenge porn, where men who were with them in the past provide unauthorized pics and details about their sex lives. That’s gross. This is about equality.

And you know who benefits from this? Harvey Weinstein, and the others who are happy to have real rapes conflated with other stuff that isn’t rape until it all vanishes in a cloud of “men are awful.”


It’s only bigotry if it’s aimed at an approved group.