Brazile, a former CNN contributor, recalled in her new book when emails stolen from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta showed that she relayed information about possible topics that would be brought up during the Democratic primary debate hosted by her network.

“The next day, even Jake Tapper took a swing at me, calling me unethical and ‘journalistically horrifying’ during a radio interview with WMAL even though I worked for CNN as a commentator not a journalist,” Brazile wrote in her book Hacks: The Insider Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House. “When I called him on this, he did not apologize. His attack on me was really about him. He wrote in an email, ‘I don’t know what happened here except it undermines the integrity of my work and CNN … you have to know how betrayed we all feel.’”

Brazile continued, “The feeling is mutual, my friend.”

This is the mirror image version of the question that Mike Cernovich asked CBS’s Scott Pelley, when Pelley attempted to give the pro-Trump blogger/Twitter star the third degree 60 Minutes treatment. In March, Pelley asked Cernovich about a piece he ran during the campaign headlined “Hillary Clinton Has Parkinson’s Disease, Physician Confirms,” telling Cernovich “It isn’t true.” When Cernovich mentioned Hillary’s apparent seizure on September 11th last year, Pelley dismissed it as “pneumonia.” Cernovich asked Pelley how he knew that, and Pelley replied “Well, the campaign told us that.”

Cernovich then asked the veteran CBS anchor the obvious question, one that he telling refused to answer: “Why would you trust a campaign?”

Why would Donna Brazile, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, trust an “objective” CNN reporter in the heat of a presidential campaign? As with Pelley, to ask the question is to answer it: