DONNA BRAZILE SEEMS DETERMINED TO FINISH OFF HILLARY ONCE AND FOR ALL: Brazile Blames Clinton’s Health for ‘Basket of Deplorables’ Remark.

Thus the two worst moments of Hillary’s campaign in a single headline, her health scare on September 11th, the anniversary of both the 2001 attack on American soil and Benghazi, and her ‘Basket of Deplorables’ uber-gaffe:

Former DNC chairman Donna Brazile says she doesn’t think Hillary Clinton would have remarked that half of Donald Trump’s supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables” if she was in “better health.”

Brazile reveals in her just-released book Hacked that she saw Clinton right before she made the “basket of deplorables” comment, and it was the first time she noticed “Hillary did not look well.”

Brazile “noticed her face was puffy,” “her skin looked pale and papery,” and “her eyes were glazed.” She approached Clinton about her health before the speech and observed her to be “wobbly on her feet” with a “rattled cough” so bad Brazile suggested medical attention.

Not exactly buried in the subtext of these quotes is that Hillary will be age 73 in 2020, and clearly, Brazile would like to see fresh blood next time around.