CHINA HAS NO ONE TO BLAME BUT THEMSELVES: Abe to push reform of Japan’s pacifist constitution after election win.

The U.S.-drafted constitution’s Article 9, if taken literally, bans the maintenance of armed forces. But Japanese governments have interpreted it to allow a military exclusively for self-defense.

Backers of Abe’s proposal to clarify the military’s ambiguous status say it would codify the status quo. Critics fear it would allow an expanded role overseas for the military.

“Now that pro-constitutional change parties occupy more than two-thirds of the parliament, the constitution will be the most important political issue next year,” said Hidenori Suezawa, a financial market and fiscal analyst at SMBC Nikko Securities.

If China had dealt with North Korea when and as they should have, then there wouldn’t even be any talk about amending or abolishing Japan’s Article 9.