MARK STEYN: When Opposite World Moves In Next Door.

There are currently two views of cultural evolution in the west. On the one hand, we live in a magnificent age of sexual self-expression: a man can marry a man; a man can be a woman; a woman can be a pregnant man; a transwoman can be a Navy Seal; a policeman can ride around in a transgendered cruiser …”because it’s 2017,” as Brooke Baldwin and Justin Trudeau would say. These are impressive victories, overturning not just age-old societal assumptions but basic human biology — and hollowing out with effortless ease institutions hitherto seen as bastions of convention, like the Lancashire Police and the diversity-crazed US military.

On the other hand, Islam thinks it too has been racking up the big wins: first toppling local secularist rulers like the Shah of Iran, then chasing the godless Commies out of Afghanistan, next reducing to dust the glittering towers of the remaining superpower in New York and Washington …and, far more quietly, embedding itself throughout Christendom — or post-Christendom — and subtly insinuating itself into the heart of almost every western nation except Japan. Some of the changes it has wrought are small but telling…

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