TOLERANCE: Malaysia scraps beer festival following Islamist party’s objections.

Though there are plenty of beer drinkers among the sizable Chinese and Indian minorities, protests against events deemed to be “western” and unIslamic – such as concerts and festivals involving alcohol – are common in Muslim-majority Malaysia and are usually led by the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS).

Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) said in a short statement on Monday that it has rejected the application for a permit by the organisers of the “Better Beer Festival 2017” to host the event, which would have entered its sixth year.

“If the organisers continue with the event without DBKL’s approval, action will be taken in accordance to existing laws,” city hall said.

Mybeer (M) Sdn Bhd, the company organising the event, said in a separate statement that they were informed by DBKL officials that the decision was made “due to the political sensitivity surrounding the event”.

So I guess there’s one thing beer can’t do, after all.