THE HILL: Right accuses left of hypocrisy on antifa.

Conservatives are decrying what they see as a muted response to the rise of the left-wing antifa movement amid a series of violent protests and clashes that have broken out at events across the country.

Some on the right have accused liberals and the media of being loath to condemn violence on the left from militant groups that resist neo-Nazis and white supremacists, while racing to denounce such behavior by right-wing groups.

“After Charlottesville, the media rightly demanded that President Trump and all Republicans condemn the neo-Nazis and the KKK,” Marc Thiessen, a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush and a fellow at the conservative-leaning American Enterprise Institute, wrote Wednesday in an op-ed for The Washington Post.

“So where are the calls for Democrats to condemn antifa — and the brutal public condemnation for those who fail to do so?”

The conservative Independent Journal Review took aim at Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, writing that he had failed to specifically call out antifa after the chaos in Charlottesville. Democrats, IJR’s Benny Johnson wrote, “have not yet denounced antifa and its violent tactics by name.”

Antifa, a contraction of the word “anti-fascist,” refers to the loose movement of radical activists — communists, socialists and anarchists among them — who in recent months have scrapped with right-wing demonstrators, racist groups and, at times, run-of-the-mill supporters of President Trump.

Separate from the peaceful protesters who joined the bevy of nationwide marches and demonstrations in the wake of Trump’s inauguration, many antifa activists have adopted a willingness to use violence to confront those they deem fascists.

Which, basically, is anyone they don’t like at the moment. And I’m pretty sure the only reason they’re getting any pushback now is that their violence and craziness — now the stuff of Onion parodies — is hurting Democrats.