HMM: ‘Everything The President Wants To Do, McMaster Opposes,’ Former NSC Officials Say.

A Daily Caller exclusive:

“Everything the president wants to do, McMaster opposes,” a former senior official said in a wide-ranging interview. “Trump wants to get us out of Afghanistan — McMaster wants to go in. Trump wants to get us out of Syria — McMaster wants to go in. Trump wants to deal with the China issue — McMaster doesn’t. Trump wants to deal with the Islam issue — McMaster doesn’t. You know, across the board, we want to get rid of the Iran deal — McMaster doesn’t. It is incredible to watch it happening right in front of your face. Absolutely stunning.”

One former official characterized McMaster as a “sycophant” of retired Army Gen. David Petraeus.

I try not to lend too much weight to anonymous sources, but if true that’s a damning statement on a man who looked like one of Trump’s better picks.