PARENTING: Camille Paglia Says Puberty Blockers for Transgender Kids Are ‘Criminal Violation of Human Rights’

A number of articles have appeared in recent years detailing the experiences of parents whose children undergo hormone blocking therapy in order to stop the onset of puberty. Slowing these changes, the thinking goes, gives the child more time to think about whether he or she truly wants to transition and can make any feelings of gender dysmorphia milder. One doctor compared a child who blocks puberty as starting from “a blank slate.”

Paglia disagrees. Citing the fact that the “long term effects [of puberty blockers] are unknown,” she told TWS‘s Jonathan Last that the transgender fad is in part a marketing ploy by the pharmaceutical industry “in order to create a permanent class of customers who will need to take prescribed hormones for life.”

The immediate effect — a drug-induced postponement of adulthood — is bad enough.