Micro: ‘We are the Obama people,’ said Camille Sweeney, a New York writer and member of the Authors Guild. Her insurance is being canceled, and she is dismayed that neither her pediatrician nor her general practitioner appears to be on the exchange plans. What to do has become a hot topic on Facebook and at dinner parties frequented by her fellow writers and artists. ‘I’m for it,’ she said. ‘But what is the reality of it?’

—NRO, December 14, 2013.

Macro: “California Democrats Just Voted for Single-Payer Healthcare But Have No Idea How to Pay for It.”

—Headline, Heat Street, yesterday.

As Yuval Levin wrote at NRO’s Corner after quoting Sweeney’s “I’m for it. But what is the reality of it?” line, “Answer first, question second. This would be funny if it weren’t so sad and serious.”

California is likely to become increasingly sad and serious in the coming years. This is known as “bad luck.”