FAKE NEWS: Move over InfoWars, here comes CNN! Analyst blames Manchester Bombing on ‘right wing false flag.’

Related: Ex-CNN Chief: By Creating FNC, Ailes Tarred All Journalists as Biased.

That’s our old friend Jonathan Klein, who in 2004 while famously defending Dan Rather, inadvertently named the site for us. In reply to a question from Bill O’Reilly in September of 2004 on how Rather had eviscerated his credibility, Klein barked out, “It’s an important moment, because you couldn’t have a starker contrast between the multiple layers of checks and balances, and a guy sitting in his living room in his pajamas writing what he thinks.”

All journalists are biased, of course, since their job is issuing opinions and interpreting facts. The honest ones are those who will admit what their biases are, and how they shape their worldview. Klein’s statement harkens back to the earliest days of mass media, and it’s long overdue for him to update his talking points.