DAVID FRENCH: How The Elite Poisons Our Culture. “Interestingly, she found that the open marriages she studied were typically initiated by the woman, and the resulting picture wasn’t so much exciting as pathetic and sad. The wife enjoys her new relationship while the husband, desperate to both save the marriage and equalize the arrangement, creates online-dating profiles in the hope that someone will take the bait.”

I believe that some people call men like this “cucks,” but I may have the usage wrong.

Plus: “Among the many fascinating findings in Charles Murray’s seminal book Coming Apart is the reality that our secular elite speaks blue, but largely lives red. In other words, our wealthy, progressive, urban centers are hardly hedonistic enclaves. They’re chock-full of intact families, featuring moms and dads who waited until marriage to have children, value education immensely, and work hard to make sure that their kids make the same choices they did. When it comes to actually arguing for the traditional family values they practice in their own lives, though, liberals are silent.”